Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Good morning!!

I am enjoying peace and quiet!! The girls have headed back to school this morning after what seemed like lllllooooooonnnnnggggg Christmas break. Actually, they were great during that break and we enjoyed lots of time together. But it's time to get back to the regular schedule. Jessica has a basketball game tonight. Malia has had swim practice most of the days during the break and that will continue today.

We are also gearing up for the winter formal at the high school here. Malia will go with her friend Colby. She gets to wear one of her dresses she wore for a friend's quincenera last summer so that has been nice not to have to spend that money. It's a big deal around here.

Not much else happening. We've had cold, but dry weather for a while now. I can't believe Doug hasn't had any snow storms to deal with yet.

I'm off to do laundry, work in the basement. Have to go check on Doug's mom at some point. We admitted her to the hospital last night. Pretty sure it's just bronchitis but they are running some other tests to make sure since she literally did not stop coughing yesterday for 3 hours straight that I was with her much less the rest of the day. I hope it's better this morning.

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