Saturday, January 24, 2009

Just enjoying Saturday

It seems like forever since I updated!! I've been having fun!!

I went to San Antonio last Friday to see my cousin and her family. My 2nd cousin, Sarah, has a new baby (who is now almost 5 months old) who I wanted to see along with the rest of the family. The weather was WONDERFUL!!! When I left Kansas City on Friday, it was 13 degrees. The next day in San Antonio it was 75!! It was great. The wind blew but nothing like we have here. We had fun going to Hailee's basketball game. Watching 8 year old girls play basketball for the first time is a good way to relieve stress. I flew back to Kansas City on Wednesday and drove back to GB on Thursday. I already miss the weather as it's a whopping 20 degrees here today. The problem with San Antonio is being there in the summer. I just can't stand the humidity that goes along with the heat.

The girls are fine. Malia had a swim meet in Wichita today.Girls' swimming hasn't started yet but she's enjoying managing the boys' team. I guess I should say until yesterday. The guys have a tendency to throw the managers in the pool about every other week. She had asked them not to yesterday and they did anyway. Problem was that her cell phone was in her pocket. She and Doug tried to get it dried out to no avail. They went down to the Alltel store and got her another one. Jessica had her last basketball game today. I will sign her up for indoor soccer on Monday but I don't think they start until the middle or end of February.

Grandma has had some problems with dizzyness and "swimmy head". I finally took her to the Emergency Room on Thursday afternoon. They gave her some medicine and it got much better. We are getting geared up for her 90th birthday in June. We are planning on a celebration on June 14 so mark your calendars.

I am not working at this point. I will start working at the Surgery Center probably next week but only as needed. I have severance pay until the middle of March. It's that time between the middle of March and the first of July when the new hospital opens that makes me nervous not having a full time job. I'm hoping they need me more by that point. I interviewed at Wesley in Wichita yesterday for their Birthrooms. It would be lots of fun. I would hate to drive that all the time but I could do it on a short term basis. Otherwise, I'm enjoying my time off but need to get a schedule figured out so I can get some of my chores done here that I never have time to do.

Our good friend Glenna is dealing with her father's health failing. They put him in Hospice last week and he's deteriorating quickly. Please keep them in your prayers.

I guess that's all for now. Malia just called and is almost home so I guess someone better go pick her up.

Take care and we'll talk to you soon!!!!


Monday, January 12, 2009

Making plans

So here I sit on a Monday morning. I have to admit it's kind of nice to not have to get up and go anywhere but I miss my patients, the babies and the people I worked with. The kids have gone to school and Doug is at work. It's just me and two cats. The weather is not suppose to be nice today. In fact, I think we are going to be renamed the new windy city since we will have yet another wind advisory for the day and the temperatures are suppose to start falling this afternoon. No snow in the forecast, though, so I guess that's a good thing.

The weeke end was fun. Mnm had a formal dance Saturday night so we spent all day getting ready for that from hair to makeup to being gone at 4:15 pm and not returning til 3:15 the next morning. It was a long day/short night. I started a Parenting Teenagers class at church last night. I think it will be really good.

My exciting plans for this week include: cleaning the bathrooms (yuck), working in the basement at least 30 minutes each day and walking for at least 20 minutes 3 times this week. I figure if I'm not at work making plans and taking care of patients, I better have a plan for here at home.

Thanks for spending time with me! Enjoy your Monday!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

When Life Hands You Lemons

I feel like I have lots of lemons right now. As of this morning, I no longer work at the hospital here in town where I had worked for 8 years. Due to financial problems, they are laying off some of their employees and I just happen to be one of them.

To say I am shocked would be very accurate. I have had some time to get use to the idea so it is a little better now. But I am hurt more than anything. Hurt that someone like me, a loyal employee who could work anywhere in the hospital and would come in at a moment's notice, would be let go, has been so painful.

I know that everything happens for a reason. I have decided to just hang loose for now. Enjoy being a mom and figure out what my options are. I'm not sure what will happen. We will have a new hospital opening here in town in about six months.

I'll let you know what happens. Until then, know that we will all be OK with this.


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Good morning!!

I am enjoying peace and quiet!! The girls have headed back to school this morning after what seemed like lllllooooooonnnnnggggg Christmas break. Actually, they were great during that break and we enjoyed lots of time together. But it's time to get back to the regular schedule. Jessica has a basketball game tonight. Malia has had swim practice most of the days during the break and that will continue today.

We are also gearing up for the winter formal at the high school here. Malia will go with her friend Colby. She gets to wear one of her dresses she wore for a friend's quincenera last summer so that has been nice not to have to spend that money. It's a big deal around here.

Not much else happening. We've had cold, but dry weather for a while now. I can't believe Doug hasn't had any snow storms to deal with yet.

I'm off to do laundry, work in the basement. Have to go check on Doug's mom at some point. We admitted her to the hospital last night. Pretty sure it's just bronchitis but they are running some other tests to make sure since she literally did not stop coughing yesterday for 3 hours straight that I was with her much less the rest of the day. I hope it's better this morning.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

New Year

I can't believe it's 2009!! I hope everyone enjoyed a wonderful Christmas and spent time with those close to you.

We have been busy since the last post. Karla, Suresh, Doug and I went on a cruise 12/15-12/19 and spent a couple of days in Miami. The day we left, the weather was pretty nice here in Kansas. By the next day, in Kansas, it was about 15 degrees!! We were enjoying 70's in Miami! We felt so bad(not)!!!! The cruise was wonderful and we so enjoyed getting away. The girls stayed with Doc and Lori and Doug's parents. I think we will get to cruise again as soon as we can save up some money! Doug thinks he wants to go to Alaska on a cruise. I'm sure that would be beautiful but we have to find a time where it's not so cold.

We came home and I worked a couple of days. We left on Christmas Day and went to Denver to have Christmas with Karla and Suresh. Karla was on call for 5 days straight so she couldn't get away. We shopped the day after Christmas sales and went and saw "Seussical, the Musical".

I worked part of New Year's Eve day and then went to the Surgery Center where my cousin, Mike, had surgery. While I was there, I learned of some interesting news regarding work. As soon as I can share more with you, I will.

I did not get Christmas cards out. I'm thinking I may try to send Valentine's cards!! I guess you can tell where my priorities were between going on a cruise and getting cards out!!

Malia is busy being the boys' swim team manager. It definitely keeps her busy. Jessica has spent most of the Christmas break at the farm. I think she may come home tomorrow.They start back to school on Tuesday.

I hope you had a good holiday. Talk to you soon.
