Sunday, November 30, 2008

Busy week end

We had a great Thanksgiving day and week end. I guess I should say everyone here at the house had a good Thanksgiving. I spent Thanksgiving caring for seven moms who were very thankful for their seven babies. Karla and Joyce (MIL) fixed dinner here at my house. We did it that way so my Grandma could come over. All of the food was good but my favorite was the homemade pecan pie. I can't figure out why we only have those at holiday time. I could eat it anytime!! A big thanks to everyone for changing their plans and coming here. I know Grandma enjoyed her day.

Of course, Friday morning brought us out shopping by 4:30 am. I don't know why I think this is fun but it is. I'm not sure how we did it before cell phones, though. Our Wal Mart is open 24 hours/day so we were there in plenty of time for the sales to start at 5. It's always the same as each one of us (Karla, Joyce, Sheri (SIL) and I) all get a cart. We split up and everyone heads to their assigned area. By the time we meet again, two of us have ditched our carts and we just put it all in one. We then ate breakfast and headed to JC Penney and Walgreens. Someday I'm going to be out of town again so I can hit places like Kohl's, Sears, anything but Wal Mart!! I made peanut brittle Friday afternoon which I loaded up and sent home with Patti for Dennis, Chris and Truman. We also made arrangements for the cemetary for Christmas. We enjoyed a scrumptious steak dinner Friday night with Patti and just enjoyed visiting. It was an early night as our early morning shopping caught up with us.

Saturday was busy again. I made a wreath for Karla's front door. We went out to see Grandma and cleaned her apartment. It's amazing how much junk an 89 year old woman can accumulate in one tiny apartment! It's also amazing how she "needs" every piece of paper you touch!! But we did get her Christmas tree set up. We also had our Holiday Parade downtown. Jessica walked with the Girl Scouts. It was a pretty decent evening weather wise. We had dinner with Steve and Glenna and got to see JoAnn for a little bit.

Went to church this morning. Doc, Lori and JB came for lunch. Karla and Suresh left around 1:30 along with Isis, the dog. They had a very windy trip home but made it fine. I have just messed around the rest of the day putting stuff away, trying to get some landry done. Now I"m tired and I know I work tomorrow and Tuesday. Not sure if we're busy or not. Guess I'll find out in a few hours.

I hope you all had a good Thanksgiving. We all have so much to be thankful.


Monday, November 17, 2008

What a week end

Hello all,

It was a very beautiful week end here in central Kansas. It was 67 degrees on Sunday.

We were all busy this week end. It started Friday with me working. I had a difficult labor patient all day who we finally took for a c section at 7:00 pm. Everyone was fine in the end but I sure was tired!!!! I had to teach a childbirth class on Saturday all day so that day was busy as well.

Malia has been busy with the school play. They did it yesterday, tonight and tomorrow. Add that to her starting as the boys' swim team manager and I hope she can keep her head above water and get enough sleep!! It's always obvious when she gets tired. She doesn't argue with us very much until she gets tired.

Jessica went to the farm with Doug on Saturday and they ended up spending the night. She had lots of stories to tell me when she got home last night. Apparently she and Kylee spent time with all their kittens and went out in the pasture where they had to cross the creek "three or four" times which is why her brand new tennis shoes were wet!!!! Oh, well. They will dry and she had fun. Looks like I need to wash her jacket.

I guess that's all for now. I am trying to get stuff done around the house. Karla will be here for Thanksgiving. I have to work but I think she and Joyce are doing dinner here. In one month, we will all be on a cruise ship!!! I have to secretly hope the weather here is horrible so we can enjoy all that sunshine and warmth!!!!

Have a good Monday!!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Enjoying the day

I had a nice day today. Doug is off tomorrow for Veteran's Day so he took today off as well. We did some paperwork for the cruise, ate lunch with his parents, watched it rain. I got a massage this afternoon which was heavenly!! I worked all week end so it was just nice to be off. I work tomorrow and Friday and teach a childbirth class on Saturday. It always ends up being a busy week!!

Excitement prevailed after school at our house as mnm got a car. We had seen it while we were driving around and got great deal on it. She now has a 2000 Olds Intrigue. She won't get to drive it everyday for awhile but I think Doug will!!!

We are having weird weather here. It's thundering and lightning right now. There was even a tornado in NW Kansas today.

I hope you are all doing well. Feel free to leave me a comment. I love to hear from you all!!!


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Catching up

I went to Denver over the week end to see Karla and Suresh. I had not been out there since they got all moved into their house a year ago. Karla had been home so much with Daddy being sick that I never had the opportunity to go out. Doug and the girls had been there at some point along with Doug's parents but I didn't get to!! Anyway, I went out Thursday and came home Monday. The weather was absolutely perfect and the mountains were beautiful. We went to Blackhawk on Friday and spent the night. Came back to Denver and shopped on Saturday including getting some Christmas shopping done. Karla and I spent Sunday evening getting an itinerary figured out for our trip in December. Karla, Suresh, Doug and I are going on a cruise. It will be the first time Doug has ever gone. I drove home Monday and listened to a book, Water for Elephants. I had listened to it on the way out but didn't get it all finished. I had to go to the library last night to get the book so I could finish reading it.

Today, I have to get the house picked up, laundry done and go vote. I think it will be an interesting evening. One thing for sure, we know it will be history with either a black president or a female vice president.

While I was gone, we got pictures of my great niece (I can't be that old, can I? to have a great niece?) who is 5 months old dressed in her bunny costume for Halloween. She was so cute!! Also got pictures from Sarah of Hailee and Baby T for Halloween. I have to figure out how to get to San Antonio to see that baby!!!

I guess I better go get some work done. Hope you have a great day!!!!

Starting out

I have thought about starting a blog for a long time. After Daddy died in July, I was kind of lost with no updates to give on his condiiton. I like reading other blogs so I thought I would start one of my own if for no other reason to keep family and friends updated on what's going on around our little world.

So, I hope you enjoy catching up with us. Sit back and relax and I'll strive to keep us all conncted!!
