Saturday, May 15, 2010

God has a plan

It is a tough day in my life but nothing compared to my sister and her husband. They have been foster parents to 2 girls for the last six months with the anticipation of adopting them. Yesterday was "Match Day" where a committee of 3 come together to determine where the best place is for these children. Although we always knew there was a chance for them to not stay with Karla and Suresh, we honestly never thought the decision would be made to give them to someone else. Not a true biological relative. Not back to their mother or father. It is apparently better to place them in a culturally "correct" home for them. The chances that they could have had with Karla and Suresh have been taken away. The dreams that Karla and Suresh have had for the last six months and looking forward to the next 18 years have been taken away as well. Instead, they'll go to a home with 3 "siblings" where they will "manage" on public assistance (not saying anything against it, just stating a fact).

I have lost a baby before, through miscarriage and I know how much that hurt. I know how much I cried, how depressed I was. That was a baby who didn't talk, call me Mommy, throw tantrums and give me kisses and hugs. These two do all of those things and the thought of having them taken away is more than I can imagine.

We don't know the exact timeline for this to all happen. I haven't been able to talk to Karla much as you can imagine how she is trying to keep it all together and spend time with the girls.

In the meantime, please keep Karla and Suresh in your prayers. Pray for them to have some peace about this decision. Pray that somone, somewhere, has a bit of conscience and decides this maybe isn't the best decision. I know God is in control and has a plan for all of them. And I know there are at least two angels tugging at God's sleeve asking Him to let those girls stay.

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